How Design Becomes Significantly Important in Business

Google, Tesla, and IKEA—three large companies whose fame extends to the whole world. Their name carries weight, and their brand fits a specific image. From their product design to their user interface, a unifying factor creates a sense of unity.

When you open any Google website, the user interface remains similar. It’s easy to navigate and communicates a particular language that requires little reading. IKEA is the same, with its shop structured in a way that you will see their entire catalog to how their instruction manuals work. The result is a customer experience that remains consistent and reliable.

And this is all thanks to the power of design.

In general, when we talk about “design,” we often think of the visual look of something—the user interface of a smartphone, the layout of a website, or the editing of a book. But design encompasses simple visual cues. Design is best thought of as an umbrella term that governs a company’s decisions and actions. A philosophy, even.

Design Is Everything

As consumers become smarter and smarter, it’s more difficult for companies and businesses to pass off a bad product as something profitable. Simply put, if something is not designed well, it won’t sell. Steve Jobs, the famous founder of Apple, once said that design is not limited to the looks and a feel of a product, with design including how something works.

And this is why people purchase products with good design. Because they’re inherently more manageable to use, and by being easy to use, it becomes effective. But this thought goes beyond products, as design encapsulates a larger scale.

It’s a Philosophy a Company Can Strive For

Google’s logo is colorful and whimsical, evoking a child-like wonder and experimentation. Their office embodies this idea even more: with pool tables, strange art installations, and a rather unconventional working environment. It all ties to Google’s core philosophy of being driven by research and innovation.

For companies, a design isn’t just how their logo looks or how their office is laid out. Design is what expresses their philosophy. It’s a constant reminder for the employees what to strive for. In Google’s case, innovation. In Apple’s case, simple efficiency. Despite being a rather abstract idea, their company design evokes a philosophy that they strive to achieve.

Creates a Consistent Customer Experience

Customers expect companies to be unified and consistent. After all, who wants to patronize a company that flip-flops in its customer treatment and policies. However, this extends to more subtle things, like how your website is designed, how your packaging looks, and how your employees handle business.

A unifying philosophy will help create a singular design that the company can adhere to. As mentioned before, it’s the thing that everyone in the company can strive for. And when everyone in the company works towards it, it provides a consistent experience that customers will return for.

The Digital Life Makes Design More Significant

ordering online

Everyone leads dual lives now, one in the physical world and the other in the digital world. While the two worlds still heavily intersect, the reality is that the digital world is a lot more malleable and prone to change. Roads don’t change in a week or so, but a user interface of an app can. This makes the design even more significant, as it is what represents your company.

The design of the user interface has never been more significant. Clients and customers are known to switch from one company to another simply because of a confusing UI and bad user experience. Companies need to put in more effort and resources in ensuring that their digital design is competitive.

Design Guide for Products

Of course, the design is still heavily tied to how something looks. Products must be well designed, both aesthetically and functionally, for them to be a good product. Of course, the technical feat of making something efficient is something similar to a trade secret that varies from industry to industry. Still, design language at least has a unifying factor to it. Utilizing a designing tool such as dzynspace or the like, or even hiring a professional designer goes a long way in creating a visual motif for a product.

The balance of something good to look at and feels good to use will always be a fine line that must be traversed carefully and decisively. It’s a significant goal that will forever remain in sight but out of hand. But that doesn’t mean you should stop trying.

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